
Mamoru Nakamura Patent Office
He has handled our Japanese and overseas patents
The fact that our company handles the B-Mag is thanks to Mr. Nakamura


Umikaze Clinic/Shunan Hospital (Shunan City, Yamaguchi Prefecture)
These two hospitals are run by Dr. Numata, who works with his patients to root out the causes of their illnesses and to find the best way to increase their self-healing power. His motto is “Gentle Treatment for Mind and Body” regardless of whether it is Western medicine, Eastern medicine, conventional medicine or alternative/complimentary medicine.

<words of recommendation>
Life was first born on Earth 3.8 billion years ago, after that living things evolved, and humans were born 7 million years ago. Humans continued to evolve even more, and when I think about the long, long history of the evolution of the life in which we exist, I think that the life power (self-healing power) we possess is immense and cannot be so easily destroyed.

What we call disease (here, disease means chronic disease) is thought to occur when an increase in mental and physical stress on our bodies and a weakening of our self-healing ability occur hand-in-hand.

However, this is by no means a bad phenomenon; I think that this is a manifestation of self-healing power in response to ongoing stress.

Therefore, if self-healing power is reinforced while reducing the various types of stress on the body, many illnesses should head toward recovery.

And, I think that the central areas where self-healing power functions are the brain stem and spinal cord.

Both are surrounded by hard bones, and moreover there is a barrier called the “blood-brain barrier,” which is set up to prevent substances flowing in the blood from directly entering the brain. It is difficult to provide high-quality stimulation to the brain stem and spinal cord, which are so strongly guarded, but B-mag’s deep penetrating magnetism makes that possible, and it is thought to energize the brain stem and spinal cord.